Monday, March 3, 2025As a rule, your home insurance rates are liable to go up after an accident. Home insurance premiums are adjusted almost ever time a claim is made or a bad natural disaster causes damage in the insured area. While you can’t control the weather, it’s still possible to avoid your rates rising or to avoid them skyrocketing after an accident. READ MORE >>
Thursday, January 2, 2025Although they might seem to change at random, home insurance rates are influenced by several different factors that can cause your premiums to suddenly rise. Identifying these factors can help you keep track of how your home insurance rates change and when it is time to find ways to save money. READ MORE >>
Monday, July 1, 2024A home's specifications and needs are factors that impact your home insurance costs. If you're building or buying, you might be able to impact your rates by considering these factors. Sometimes, factors that you can't control will also impact your home insurance rates. READ MORE >>
Thursday, May 9, 2024Your home insurance deductible is the amount you will pay when it comes time to file a claim and before you are able to receive compensation. Since this is the key to a claim, it is crucial that you set your deductible at a reasonable amount. But how do you know how much you should set it at? READ MORE >>
Friday, March 1, 2024A home that you own might stand vacant for long periods for a number of reasons. For example, you might be working in another city for a number of months. Or, perhaps you will stay with relatives as you recover from an operation, and will be away for some time. READ MORE >>
Thursday, January 4, 2024Identity theft is a growing problem. It involves someone using the information of another person for personal gain. Identity theft victims may not realize what is occurring for some time. And, it can then take years to repair the damage. It is important to work to protect yourself from identity theft. READ MORE >>
Sunday, October 1, 2023Over two-thirds of American homes are underinsured. Why? Many people think that reducing coverage is the best way to cut back on home insurance spending. But that could get you into big trouble if an incident occurs that is no longer covered under your policy. Rather, keep your valuable coverage and use these three tips to save: READ MORE >>
Thursday, July 6, 2023Many people think the best way to save on homeowners insurance is to reduce their coverage, but that could put you in a very bad spot if a covered event occurs. Over two-thirds of American homes are underinsured because of this. Instead of sacrificing valuable coverage, try the following 3 tips for saving on your current coverage: READ MORE >>
Wednesday, April 19, 2023If you’re like most Americans, your home is your largest investment. You put a lot of money into purchasing it, paying off the mortgage, and keeping it running. But you also put a great deal of time into making it your own. You are proud of your home. So what if something were to happen to it — such as a fire, burglary or vandalism? READ MORE >>
Thursday, February 2, 2023Since a home fire is such a devastating event, it is often assumed that the kitchen is the most dangerous room in the house. However this is not true according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In terms of the numbers of injuries sustained, the bathroom is by far the most dangerous. READ MORE >>
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